The Search For Someday
Every journey never truly has a road map and there are always twists and turns that send the trip into a crazy tumultuous adventure. When I started FaeRetail I was promising myself that I would stop saying someday and work harder to make somedays a reality. Thus I took the seed of FaeRetail and am working to nourish it.
However, right out the gate I get a shock of the news that Joanns filed for bankrupcy. My stomach dropped as I realized that as I finally took the leap to get things started the place that I get all of my materials is going under. This news made me nervous for my business not only because I now need to make a new plan for where to get material, but also of what it means for my business as a whole. If a company like Joanns can’t make a go at it in this financial world what makes me think my small business will. Bittsy tells me that I am just letting my Lawrence worry gene rule my mind when I give into thoughts like this. She reminds me that we aren’t in it for the glory but for the simple pleasure of making something for someone else that brings them a little piece of joy.
And so I will listen to Bittsy and stay positive. I have already done research on my options and have prepared for the closure of my local Joanns. This will make getting supplies harder as now I will have to travel in order to get material or go purely based off of online purchasing. Which as I have learned, regrettably does not always display the color of material accurately. Once I sell out of the Joann exclusive patterns I will remove the listings from the site, that way there is no issue with ordering when I can no longer get my hands on a certain design anymore. At least things hadn’t gotten so far along that I relied exclusevly on Joanns for my materials.
I am still ever working on juggling the intro to business with other aspects of life but having multiple balls in the air keeps my heart racing and life interesting. My mind finds it hard to thrive without such chaos. In my first post I believe I had promised a different Blog post, but with the subject matter being so fresh I wanted to touch on it and promise that I will still be staying strong. I still plan on adding blankets soon and other products as well. Bittsy has been pushing me to make something that shows my appreciation to my little helpers and so soon I will add the beginning of an evolving product that will honor one of the fae folk that helps me on this journey. I will be making these blog posts a monthly thing so stay tuned through social media or sign up for our email and get updates direct to your inbox.
With that in mind I am continuing to make that someday into a reality and will continue staying true to that premise with many other aspects of life as well. Because after all, when just sitting by in the rocking chair of life and dreaming about somedays you don’t truly live, you have to step foot off the porch and turn that someday into today.